Wandering Monopoly

Dear Wanderer,

I wish I could tell you that every day of this journey, and of life is exciting. I find myself often defining what an average, un-special day looks like in this blog. Often I consider not sharing on these days. The thing about not sharing is that then you might come to believe that the only important days in life are those that feel extraordinary.

Even as I journey I struggle to recognize the value of days where no large epiphany’s occur or exciting adventures continue. Defining this to you dear reader, helps me remember that I am striving to be ordinary and sometimes it is a little extra. I valued today because it was low-key, not much exciting going on. I was able to value the time I had to pause and reflect upon nothing. Many people find that they struggle to find down time, and when they achieve it to appreciate it.

I recall that in my previous world I often wished I had down time, and when I found it, I felt the need to fill it with activities or chores. I still have a lengthy to-do list, but when I take down time and don’t accomplish those tasks I am allowing my body rest. It is an exercise in valuing myself when I can just be, whether it is meditating, watching netflix, reading, or just sitting in silence. I used to be stressed in these moments, but find that with practice I am becoming better and be grateful instead of stressed out and anxious.

The big highlight for today was Monopoly. I often feel like nobody ever likes monopoly. My cousin Berto, his Fiance’ Calah, and I got to enjoy private time together, playing Monopoly. It wasn’t just any Monopoly, it was Jurrasic Park 3 Monopoly. That was a pretty exciting evening for me. We had Pizza, Soda, and played a board game. I miss having friends to play board games with. My entire life Berto has been a constant. He is one month younger than me, and so we grew up as close as siblings. (I think he forgave me for the time I knocked him in the family jewels… he was teasing me… I may have had anger issues… we were 9… ha ha ha)

Having a day where I was already slowed down, and not feeling stressed, I was able to enjoy this evening so much more. If in all things I am just taking things as they come, and working on not allowing things to stress me, then I can only become more and more successful.

As I tell you that I do this, you may wonder how it is done. The trick to removing the stress from areas of your life is to practice introspection. In moments where you find yourself stressed, have a conversation (out loud or in your head) with yourself. Talk yourself through it, admit to what is really going on in your head, and prioritize those thoughts. If it is too overwhelming, then take a break from it. It is okay to give yourself permission to take a break and not focus on it. Whatever you do, do not run away from it. Take a pause, but don’t hit the stop button. If you merely push it off and continue to push it off then whatever the issue is continues to build pressure and importance until it bursts. Often it helps when overwhelmed to talk it through with another person. Call a friend and ask them to just listen and not give advice. You already have the answer, sometimes you just need a listening ear to break the chaos.

Practice these things, and if you need help, reach out and ask questions.

Signing off Denver, CO

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