Typical Tuesday

Wanderers, it is hard to find something poignant to say every day. Today was not special, I had no new epiphany to share or any great moment to tell you about. This I am fine with. So that’s what we’ll discuss today.

You cannot expect everyday in life to be a roller coaster full of ups and downs. That may be what gives you an adrenaline rush and makes life worth while, but we are not meant to have every day be extraordinary. If that were the case then we’d never feel that excitement of living. It is also true that if we feel that every single day we will go insane at some point. It’s the origins of midlife crisis and work place breakdowns. It’s alcoholism and anxiety attacks. The body needs a rest.

This is hard for people in America to believe, because we are taught to run faster and harder than everyone else in the rat race. Then if we don’t achieve these extremely high expectations we are failures or just mediocre at best. So what happens if you don’t achieve the job, the house, the spouse, the car, the kids, the status? If you allowed yourself to believe that was your purpose in life, it can lead to mental health issues, physically issues, and especially emotional confusion. You might lose the confidence or the drive to survive in life. It’s common, the world had never taught you life can be different. You’ve never been taught that “mediocre” isn’t second best. It isn’t even real.

You are a person of value, for your friends, your neighbors, that random person you kindly help, because we are human. Our value is not established by the GDP of the country we live in, though many think so. Our value is by our contribution, which may look different than someone else’s contribution. Because though we are all human, we also have individual strengths and weaknesses. It is not indicated by the gender you were born or the color of your skin.

I find moments where I feel I am not contributing in my life, since I pay no rent and don’t hold a job, I have even not gotten back in to school yet. I am contributing though, I love my neighbors who are everywhere around me as I travel. I show value to those down on their luck and share smiles. I tell my story, which has a whole lot of value. That is not my ego talking. I am working to facilitate open conversation with people in my life, both known and strangers. I also receive stories in return. Confidence is built by being okay with telling our story.

So being okay with a day where I don’t tell my story, where I tackle the necessities of life, and allow my body, mind, and soul rest… That is part of the process, it’s part of life. It very well may be that this story ends one day, because I don’t find each new day unique and beautiful. It may be that the poignant parts become my norm. I may find I no longer wander because my appetite has been fulfilled. Oh how part of me longs for that day, but the wanderer is still hungry, still searching. I’m beginning to wonder what I’m looking for… What do you think?

Signing off Commerce City, CO

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