Wanderers, remember that everyday is a new day. Yesterday I was quite frustrated with myself, I was also quite frustrated with our project. The home we were helping yesterday was comprised of building material which was attempting to kick our assess. Upon our return today we were insistent we would finish the task. We did, my crew kicked some flood butt and worked tirelessly to accomplish the home.
At the end of the day I make it a habit of contacting the homeowner if they are not already on scene. No matter how many times I speak to homeowners I always get chills. The sounds of their voices as they express their gratitude for our teams and what we’ve done make my eyes start to leak. I get to and tell my team the words expressed to me, but I wish I had the ability to let each of them speak to every homeowner. Our days are rough and difficult and each person has their reason for coming out to support the disaster mission, as a team lead I work to ensure that need is met. I feel huge purpose in what I’m doing and I hope they all feel the same.
In my mind I am struggling to integrate my wandering into TR disaster ops which feel so normal to me. This is a place where my two halves come to unity and don’t argue quite as much. Or maybe this is where a third personality comes out, I’ve not decided yet. All I know is that being here seems natural. I get extremely frustrated with the havoc created by floods or tornadoes, but am so at peace while serving other people.
My encouragement today for those attempting to want us that while looking inside yourself do not forget to look outward and pad on they gifts you possess. Wandering is not meant to be a solitude experience. It is meant to be about experiencing life in a new way, a way in which you start to piecewho you are and what makes you tick together. Part of that is interacting with others, letting yourself feel the emotions and ride the reality around you, and accepting what that is.
Signing off Wimberley, TX.